May 7, 2018 “It has been phenomenal for Pilera Software. I am extremely thankful to have access to this space at a critical point in Pilera’s growth. It has allowed us to hire and bring on more people without having to worry about where they will be sitting to do...
May 7, 2018 “Since our experience with the Flatley Challenge was so successful and the space is great, we were able to go into a long term lease after the first year was up. We’re really excited to grow with the park and become a bigger anchor and success story for...
May 7, 2018 “Infinio looks forward to being able to draw on the great engineering talent pool in the Nashua area as our company continues to grow and expand.” – Arun Agarwal, Co-founder,...
May 7, 2018 “We were fortunate to win the Flatley Challenge and receive free office space for a year. We are grateful to set up our shop in such a great location for the company and our employees.” – Jeff Morrill, President of SimQuest...
May 7, 2018 “After winning the inaugural NTP Challenge in 2010, we enjoyed a full year of free rent and $10,000 in working capital. Since then, we have found the John Flatley Company to be extremely accommodating and appreciate the full array of leading-edge amenities...